Thought it might be time for an update from me, I have been busy!
The tulips were spectacular this year and are now a memory.
Then came the irises, 100’s of them have bloomed.
Many of them are still blooming.

Maybe someday I will paint them, for now I enjoy and photograph them.
Their sweet smell has been intoxicating.
My husky, Siskiyou celebrated his eleventh birthday with Cascadia.
They each enjoyed a cheeseburger burger and a homemade peanut butter dog cookie.

Every year a fawn is born near my art studio – this year it is star-dusted twins!

My tulip series is currently on the back burner,
as I have been working on an exhibit for July at the Art & Soul Gallery.
“Varied Expressions” is a group show with my three gallery partners.
“Varied Expressions” Link
Thought you’d enjoy seeing one of my most recently finished paintings,
watercolor – 29 x 21″