Tulip Painting 1 update

Love my messy watercolor pallet, so many fun colors that can be created! The little dishes are for creating pools of color that I will be using for the entire painting. At this time the only brush that I have used to paint on this tulip painting is a Cheap Joes #12 Round Golden Fleece Synthetic Watercolor Brush. The substrate is a full sheet of 300lb Fabriano Artistico Watercolor Paper. I will post the paint colors later with the companies that manufacture them.
Here are some photos to show you the progress made since my last post.

Wanted to share with you some of the layering process that I use. You can see that I have laid in the light washes where the lightest color will be then move to the medium and dark tones.

I choose to cut in with rich darks under the right petal of the main tulip to help pop the flower into the foreground. It seems a little drastic right now with the white paper next to it. but once color is filled in on the petals I think it will look fine.

The background and middle ground seem pretty complete to me now. I find my eye travels around the painting nicely. May go back in and tweek it later, but for now I am ready to start work on the main tulip. Feeling both excited and anxious about pulling this painting off. I will start with the lower left petal as it is tucked behind the one that I will probably paint last which is closest to the viewer.