Guess winter is not over yet. Snow has arrived and covered the tulip leaves. Debated about waiting, but decided that I have lots of photo reference and will move forward with this tulip project.
Thanks Jane! For the past few years I have been working intuitively with my abstractions. Starting without a sketch using experimental watercolor techniques and building up the composition with layers of paint as the painting progressed. My hope with this tulip painting is to stay loose, but representational and allow room for abstract elements. It may take a few paintings to pull that off, we will see.
Love seeing the sketches behind a finished work…
Thanks Jane! For the past few years I have been working intuitively with my abstractions. Starting without a sketch using experimental watercolor techniques and building up the composition with layers of paint as the painting progressed. My hope with this tulip painting is to stay loose, but representational and allow room for abstract elements. It may take a few paintings to pull that off, we will see.