Archive for the ‘Tulip Series’ Category

Watercolor Society of Oregon’s 2019 Spring Experimental Exhibition

Thrilled to have received an “Award of Distinction” selected by juror Jean Pederson at Watercolor Society of Oregon’s Spring 2019 Exhibition. This WSO Exhibition will be on display April 8 – 30, 2019 at the Oregon Society of Artists in Portland, Oregon The award winning paintings will then travel for 5 more months to other […]

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Watercolor Society of Oregon’s Spring 2019 Exhibition

Thrilled to learn that my painting, “Springtime” (watercolor on wc paper, 29 x 21”) is one of 80 paintings juried into the Watercolor Society of Oregon’s Spring 2019 Exhibition by juror Jean Pederson. This WSO Exhibition will be on display April 8 – 30, 2019 at the Oregon Society of Artists – 2185 SW Park […]

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“Expressions” at Art & Soul Gallery

“Expressions” is an exhibition of my paintings that will be on display at Art & Soul Gallery – 247 East Main Street -Ashland, Oregon for the month of November. Please join me for my reception on November 2 from 5 – 8 pm For more info visit      

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“Springtime Delight”

In March of 2016 Art & Soul Gallery held a “Spirit Of Spring” show of paintings by the galleries artists. I created my painting, “Springtime Delight” for that show. Then I never showed it again, even though I was happy with the painting. Since it is a tulip themed painting I pulled it out to […]

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Spring is Here!

The sun is out and my tulips have bloomed. The new Blumex Parrot Tulips turned out to be exactly what I had ordered. They have been a delight to watch bloom and to photograph for future painting reference!  Very Inspiring! On Monday,  I rehung my artwork at Art & Soul Gallery in Ashland, Oregon – here […]

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This spring has had some exciting weather! From beautiful crisp and warm sunny days to stormy rains and snow. Everyday I take a walk outside in my yard to see the growth of the green things and flowers. The newly planted tulips are up and beginning to color on their buds. Watching these tulips grow […]

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Tulips and Blog

Happy Spring! The first of this years tulips have begun to bloom at Raven House! These bulbs were purchased in Holland many many years ago, a gift from my parents. After a week of warm weather snow returned  …  what a crazy spring!   The tulip painting that I am working on is coming along […]

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Tulip Painting 1 update

Love my messy watercolor pallet, so many fun colors that can be created! The little dishes are for creating pools of color that I will be using for the entire painting.  At this time the only brush that I have used to paint on this tulip painting is a Cheap Joes  #12 Round Golden Fleece […]

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It is moving along

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Quietly in my studio, these tulips are coming to life.  Working in small sections at a time my plan is to fill in all but the main tulip first.

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