Archive for April, 2018

Rogue Valley TV

The interview about myself as an Artist that David Nienow produced for the Rogue Valley TV Show, Rogue Artisans & Crafters,  is now available online for viewing.    Click Here to View       

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This spring has had some exciting weather! From beautiful crisp and warm sunny days to stormy rains and snow. Everyday I take a walk outside in my yard to see the growth of the green things and flowers. The newly planted tulips are up and beginning to color on their buds. Watching these tulips grow […]

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Rogue Valley TV features Art & Soul Gallery

Recently, I was interviewed on behalf of Art & Soul Gallery by David Nienow for his Rogue Artisans and Crafters Show that airs on RVTV. Was a fun experience and nice representation for Art & Soul Gallery! Click here to view the Show There will be an upcoming episode featuring myself as an artist. I […]

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